Before and After Cases

Smile 6

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Does everyone know what sugar does to teeth? THIS! The dark areas on these teeth are called decay or dental caries. As we eat sugar, bacteria in our mouths digest it and secrete acid onto our teeth. This causes them to demineralise, otherwise known as decay. The more frequent we eat sugars the more likely we are to get decay (regular sugary snacks and sipping on sugary drinks). Fluoride helps prevent decay in a number of ways but mainly through remineralising teeth. The main culprit here was energy drinks. April stabilised this patients mouth by going through diet advice and providing fluoride therapy. She then went on to restore his mouth using white composite fillings and 3 implants placed by our colleague Chris Siddons (unfortunately 3 teeth were beyond saving). This treatment was life changing for the patient and thankfully, he now does not drink energy drinks!